Ultima-Deca 250 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Ultima-Deca – popular in weightlifting and bodybuilding, injectable anabolic with Nandrolone Decanoate as active substance. The steroid, in addition to a significant anabolic effect of weight gain, is known for very low incidence of side effects.
Ultima-Deca – a long-acting drug from Ultima Pharmaceuticals manufacturer. Such anabolic steroids differ by weak androgenic effect (30%) and a relatively high anabolic activity (150% of testosterone). The half-life of the active substance on average lasts for at least two weeks.
Buying steroids with nandrolone as the active substance for the first time could be done in the 60s. The product is produced in two forms: Nandrolone Decanoate and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Since then, thanks to the marked safety of this anabolic and minimum rollback, the drug for a half-century is considered a key means of anabolic effects. In addition to athletics and bodybuilding, Ultima-Deca is also used in medicine: in severe trauma, anemia, stunted growth caused by growth hormone deficiency, breast cancer prevention in women, etc.
Ultima-Deca Effects
- significant, but a set of smooth muscle with minimal recoil phenomenon (increase to 8 kg of muscles per year);
- strengthening ligaments (by stimulating the synthesis of collagen) and bone (steroid used for osteoporosis treatment);
- increase joint lubrication products and the elimination of joint pain as a result;
- strengthening the immune system;
- increase endurance by improving oxygen transport;
- improved digestion (intestinal absorbability nutrients and amino acids).
Since Ultima-Deca is characterized by low androgenic activity, this steroid cycle is not accompanied by such “sides” as baldness, excessive fat, acne, high blood pressure, etc. In addition, gynecomastia, water retention and other estrogenic side effects are also virtually eliminated: studies have shown that the level of Ultima-Deca conversion to estrogen is lower than that of testosterone by 5 times. However, in combination with other steroids (e.g. strong androgens) and at excessive dosages the occurrence of side effects is still possible. It is therefore important to build up a cyle and calculate the dosage of the drug.
How to Use Ultima-Deca: Dosage, Cycle
The recommended single dose of the drug for men is 200 mg per week. Women should limit the dose by 50-100 mg (once in 1-4 weeks).
Ultima-Deca cycle it is desirable to start with a small dosage (50 mg), gradually increasing it. The maximum permissible dose is considered to be 600 mg per week.
Ultima-Deca cycle duration on average between 8 – 10 weeks. If the cycle is for a longer period, the use of human chorionic gonadotropin – a prerequisite.
To resolve progesterone activity of Ultima-Deca, during cycle you should to include Dostinex. It should be taken, since the second week (1.25 mg – 2 times a day) and ending after 2-3 weeks from the date of the last injection.
Use Clomid as necessary, since the last week of Ultima-Deca cycle. It should be taken with a gradual withdrawal, within 2-4 weeks by 50-100 mg.
Ultima-Deca Combination Cycles
Based on some sides of the Ultima-Deca solo cycle (decreased libido, suppression of testosterone, smooth activity), often together with Ultima-Deca, additionally it is recommended to buy Testosterone. The optimal Ultima-Deca use is at a dose of 200-300 mg per week and at a dose of testosterone by 500 mg per week.
Also, for combined Ultima-Deca cycles can buy Winstrol, or Dianabol. There is even a “gold standard” in the bodybuilding and weightlifting, on a combination of Deca and other steroids.
In general, Ultima-Deca is often used not only mass gaining cycles but also during drying period low androgenic cycles etc. Remember to consult your doctor before combining anabolic steroids.
Ultima-Deca reviews are often positive thanks to the minimum possibility of side effects and the missing phenomenon of rollback. Despite the marked set of smooth mass, its quality are satisfied with not less than 87% of the interviewed athletes. In addition, 77% of athletes and bodybuilders believe that Ultima-Deca prices are quite fair. These factors, plus anabolic good compatibility with other steroids steroid ensured its fame.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
6-7 days
Anabolic Steroid
Men 300-600 mg/week

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Order received
Landed. Thanks PMroids. Will review soon.
Currently running 200mg deca, 300mast e, 300test c / week. Going to review progress and pull my blood work in about 6 weeks
Bought this for my cousin...
Bought this for my cousin. They had a buy three get one free and 30% off. They even threw in some dbol. For free. Thanks. I am gonna kick start my summer cycle next year with the dbol. Fuck it.
I choose to add to My trt some other compounds: -Deca 250 wich i have never used before. This compound was a wonderful surprise for me. It has now become one of My favourite compounds. Used at ratio 1:1 compared to test (70mgs e3d) i've enjoyed all the benefits of it (ipertrophy and joint wellness) wothout any side effect like high blood pressure or high prolactin. -Test enathate 250 what can I say about it, test is test and it's the Best! (70mgs e3d) Primo 200 Primo is definetly legit, I Will use it in 4 months but I ve used it last summer (Ultima of course)and i can say that because it gave that aesthetic look without too much of an androgen side effect like masteron (back hair growth, hair loss). 80mgs e3d T prop I Will also use it in 4 months stacked with primo because i'll need that that enhanced estrogenic response when i'll be in a caloric deficit. Used it last summer and worked great. 100mgs e3d Turinabol is My go to Oral, it does basically everything. Size, strenght, crispy muscles, and is not top heavy on liver. 20mgs ed Cialis 25 is perfectly dosed works great and do not give me headache. All the above compounds gave me no Pip at all. Thanks PM you are the Best !!!
Order received
My order came after 3 weeks in small box, which is great for international shipping. With different supplier the international shipping took a week longer and the packaging wasn't that great. My order was 2x nolva, 2x tren, 2x deca. With the tren ace after 3 days of 40mg ED I have more energy in the gym and I am also overall less tired so it is definitely working. For the deca I cannot speak much because of the ester it will take long time till I "feel it", but one vial had visibly 1ml less oil than the tren vials and other deca vial, but I believe it was manufacture error. The nolva tabs came in nice packaging, but they were bigger (1cm wide) than from my previous supplier (0,5cm wide), I prefer the bigger ones because I can split them easier.
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M*** G*** Order received
Landed. Thanks PMroids. Will review soon.
Currently running 200mg deca, 300mast e, 300test c / week. Going to review progress and pull my blood work in about 6 weeksR*** D*** Cycle Log
OK, now that the crazy Xmas week is over, I am going to be starting my bulking journey today although with how I have been eating I probably actually started it around xmas. Starting today I decided on my cycle. A bulk but not a get fat bulk. Bloodwork came back in a decent range so I am ready.
250mg Ultima sustanon EOD
Ever Monday 400mg Ultima EQ, 400mg Ultima Deca
40mg/day Ultima Anavar
20mg/ MK 677 a day
20mg/ GW-50156 a day
150mcg T4/day "I like T4 over T3 even though it is not as strong"
4iu HGH/day
10iu Humulin R 2x a day
50mg Proviron ED.
Current weight this morning 261. It was about 245 about a month ago, but holidays and training harder.
Pictures coming soon I promise. Need to get my GF over and take some even though she hates doing it lol. Plus thank again to PMroids and Mack.
W*** M*** Bought this for my cousin...
Bought this for my cousin. They had a buy three get one free and 30% off. They even threw in some dbol. For free. Thanks. I am gonna kick start my summer cycle next year with the dbol. Fuck it.
J*** C*** Old School Cycles are the best cycles
Had previously used another pharma brand from this supplier, but it was out of stock. On a whim, purchased Ultima Deca and have been extremely happy with it. Smooth injections, no pip, 5 weeks later, joints feel good, muscles are feeling full, and along with test in my cycle, did my bloods and my test levels were super high. Considering the price difference compared to the other brand, I think I will be sticking with Ultima from now on!
ULTIMA’s DECA250 has been my go-to bulking for YEARS now. I try to limit myself to 1 vial per year, now that I’m a bit older. But EVERY TIME (with my cycle protocols), I EASILY gain about 20-30lbs within 1-2 months. I literally don’t stop eating on DD!! … give me a bag of proper wheat bread + a jar of peanut butter……. Give me 2 days: DONE ✅
G*** A*** Trt+
Since in My country there is not a thing such as "prescribed trt" I do My own trt. I know it sounds dumb but i like to cycle it, 2 months on/2 months off. For this winter i choose ti add a Little deca (never used before), for joints and size. I have to say it's working super good, liquid is smooth, no Pip, gained a lot of strenght in the gym, joints feels safe, and pump is never been that good.